Special Thanks

In building and maintaining this website, I have received incredible support, resources, and inspiration from various individuals and organizations. This page is dedicated to expressing my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed directly or indirectly to its success.


  • Astrid Stark (myself)
    For the vision, persistence, and countless hours spent developing and maintaining this site.
  • K1ssmE and S1xpence
    To those who have shared their knowledge, advice, and constructive feedback during the process.

Open-Source Projects

This website would not have been possible without the fantastic open-source projects that power its core functionalities. Special thanks to:

  • Hexo
    A fast, simple, and powerful blog framework that makes creating static websites effortless.
  • Redefine Theme
    For the beautiful and highly customizable theme that gives this website its character and usability.

Online Communities

  • GitHub
    For hosting the codebase and enabling collaboration with developers worldwide.
  • ImageKit
    For providing seamless image optimization, transformation, and delivery services, ensuring the site runs faster with high-quality visuals.

Support and Encouragement

  • My Family and Friends
    For their unwavering support, encouragement, and understanding throughout this journey.
  • Site Visitors
    To all visitors who take the time to read, explore, and share feedback on this website—thank you for your invaluable contributions.

If there’s anyone I’ve inadvertently left out, know that your help and inspiration are deeply appreciated!